Tomb Raider 4 Corner bugs

Citadel Gate: Stand in front of the wall by the right side of the creature (image 1) and perform a crawl-corner bug. Now stand in a position showed on image 2 and do a running jump onto the steep surface. You should end up standing like on image 3. Aim Lara to the big door and do a standing jump (image 4). You can now explore a small area behind the creature (image 5), unfortunately you can’t go right to the Citadel and you can’t go back either since there is a death trigger.(Sender: „Ewil“ Horák

Video: AVI 1,7 MB

"Angkor Wat" - Von Croy's AI, and a little bit of "corner bug" again (Discovered by Kacs@, Patch is needful for the saves)...
I found a not so surprising, but interesting thing. I started to play TR4, and just right at "Angkor Wat", something came to my mind. There's a part, during the tutorial, where You can collect the 3rd skull, and VC bothers You with his tips all time, before You can do the jumps. Well, I really hate this, so I went down onto the ground, I collected the skull also, and then I used the "corner bug" at the corner of that cave. So, I skipped the jumps, but I also left VC at the starting point. He hesitated a bit, and then he followed Lara, as he did the usual skills. I dunno about Your opinion, or about how useful is it....(SYS)

Race for the Iris: If you are new in Lara's world you might not find all eight secrets on the first level and get the easy race route. For the first time it happened to me too. But Lara was sharp even as a little girl. During the race was looking around too much and the time passed by. Her kind master even wanted to force the poor tired but witty girl to swing under the suspension bridge. But at this point she used a corner bug in front of the bridge and found herself at the open door. (You have to use the END button!) When her master realizes his defeat he is so surprised he can't take a single step. In the harder race route, there is a corner bug you can use for some sightseeing. It's quite strange since Lara gets stuck in the ceiling and she starts to shimmy. I finally managed to get to the top by pressing the END key but never could repeat it later. I have the saves though. In two other saved games boars are exterminated.


Kv5: Download

Temple of Karnak: Download

Temple of Karnak (thx Petúnia)


Temple of Karnak: Visiting the palms at the beginning (Discovered by Jani)

1st save: A "corner bug", press JUMP.
2nd save: Take a running jump to continue the trip.
3rd save: You landed here.
4th save: Take a running jump to land near the wall.
5th save: In the shadows of the palms.
6th save: Watching the crashed car.
7th save: A newer "corner bug", press JUMP.
8th save: In the overhead.



The Great Hypostyle Hall. (thx Petúnia)


Sacred Lake: This a "crawling corner bug" also (first savegame), and it allows us to explore the temple's top.. (Sender: Jani)


Sacred Lake-2: This is a "crawling corner bug". The view is excellent to the beams. (Sender: Jani)


Desert Railroad: You have to use the End button to accomplish this. If you get to the top of the locomotive Lara takes a strange position.  Download

Take a look at it as animated GIF (if you have time).

City of The Dead: The last save is particularly interesting since you can reach the small enclosed place by using either the corner or the fence bug. Download

Here we find a very interesting corner bug again. By using it you'll be able to finish the level in a few minutes and you don't need to use nitro to get the last secret. Although you can blow up the machine guns from the floor it's very easy to do the same from the roof. Two explosive arrows will do. Download

Chambers of Tulun: Download

Chambers of Tulun2: Download

A 'classic' corner bug. (Sender: Nicky, TRC-Fórum

Further down, just inside the tunnel that leads to the huge pit: Lara can perform a simple corner bug (no crawling) at the left corner (facing the alley) and she will be transported to an invisible roof. This is nothing special, and you can do nothing up there, except for having a panoramic view of the alley below. Just for the record. About the savegame: when it loads, just jump upwards and Lara will be transported to the roof.


Trenches: Thanks to this bug Lara can rush immediately to the Street Bazar level. The bad news is she can't collect the secret and the nitro tube this way. Download

Visiting the helicopter on "Trenches" in TR4... (Discovered by Jani, savegames work with the unpatched version.)
It's possible to visit the helicopter on "Trenches" in TR4. Just load the first savegame and use the "corner bug's crawl-version" by using the DUCK-button. (Jani)


Alexandria: Download

Coastal Ruins: Download

Coastal Ruins2: Download

The Sphinx Complex: One of the most interesting bug collections. (Contains four bugs.) With the last one you can omit the next three levels and catch up with the adventure at The Mastabas level. Download

You can look at the last one in an animated GIF.

The Mastabas: Download

The Great Pyramid: With the help of this corner bug you can omit the beginning of the level and jump to the pyramid right away. This is one of the biggest levels. . Download

Menkaure's Pyramid: This is also a nice big part of the level to walk all over. . Download