Welcome! Hi all, this is the page of bugs presented by the Tomb Raider games

The origin of the word "bug" (beetle) which is used for designate errors in the informatic slengs goes back to 1945. The computer of the Harvard University went out of order and a female employee found a moth between the circuit boards that she removed later. Since then if a computer fusses they say there is a beetle (bug) in it.

You will not find any walkthroughs or cheats on this site but you will be able to discover a few extra venues that you would not be able to do through normal gameplay.

You will find "corner" bugs, "fence" bugs and special game savings.

We won't create a designated forum on this site, please feel free to dispatch your comments, remarks and notices on the tombraider.hu forum, since we have English-speaking topics over there, too.

This site contains intensive graphics so be patient 'till it's loading down. If you are here for the first time it may be necessary to reload/refresh the page in order to download all the pictures.

"A little info about the history of the cornerbug. The bug was 1st discovered by Jason McAllister in TR2 shortly after the game came out. He discovered the bug in the assault course. At that time it was thought that Lara had to be on a ledge to perform the trick. Shortly after that I found that the trick could also be performed on the ground, but I don't think I was the 1st to find this. It seems that Core design did know about the bug but they thought no one would ever find it. Isn't it just curious how wrong they were ? :) When Core was developing TR3, they said that they had fixed the cornerbug in that game. They were wrong again. The day the TR3 demo was released(before Core Design finished the game, that is), several players found that the bug still worked and one player by the name of Stiletto :) found a new way to do the trick, using the new crouch and crawl function. Shortly after the release of TR3, Robert De Pape discovered that the cornertrick also worked in the waters ( while playing the Temple Ruins level), adding yet another variation to the trick." (Stiletto)

Thanks to Hpisti and bodlac for the english translation.

What is ?corner? bug? How can you apply?

This is a "fence" bug:Download.gif

Way to apply: You have to find them at columns, building corners. There, where a smoothly edited place. Place Lara to the corner and her leg has to stand completely in-line with the corner.

Turn Lara with EXACTLY 45 degrees opposite the corner. Press jump 3 or 4 times and that's it. Now you're on the rooftop.

Or watch this animeted gif picture here.

Some places you have to use the "End" button after the jumping, otherwise Lara will fall down.

Another way to apply::

Crouching, a crawl forward and standing up.

Even in water you can use this bug. Download

In the savings Lara stuck up there, but press action: she falls straight into the water and stacks up again, and again, and again.

Corner bug, animated: The most interesting corner bug from the Tomb Raider 4.Download gif.

Revision history:

02.06.2016. Anniversary- Other bugs - Greece - Tomb of Tihocan: I killed the two centaurs. After the cutscene, this is what happened. (Sender: Viktor Voros)

12.01. 2015. AOD Natla Technologies Rooftop bug: Sender: Nixios

2015.06.19. AOD -- AOD1: Louvre Galleries -- Cabinet bug. Sender: (OszRichard)

2014.05.04: Tomb Raider Legend -- Other bugs -- Swing pole bug (Ghana) Sender: Roli

2014 03 16: Anniversary-- Other bugs-- Switch bug: I stood on the ground switch in the Fire Room of Midas' Palace and something was not working. (Sender: Caroline)

2012 05 30: Other bugs -- We can see The murderer red cad is the second secret place part of TR3 Gold It's a Madhouse. (Sender: Jani)

2011 12 14: TR2Gold -- Other bugs -- Furnace of the Gods: The bear can't injure you, probably because of he can't stand on his four legs.. (Sender: Jani)

2011 07 20: Anniversary bugs -- Curiosities -- Disappearing weapons. (Sender: Michele), Legend bugs-- Curiosities -- Shunting. (Sender: Michele), Weapon stuck in the hand. (Sender:: Michele), Reversed camera. (Sender: Michele) , Underworld bugs --Curiosities -- Tiger deaths. (Sender: Michele).

2011 07 14: Underworld -- Other bugs -- But where is the left pistol? :) (Sender: Roli)

2011 07 01: Other bugs -- Tomb Raider 4 -- Weapon bug: (Sender: YzaaA), TR Legend Bugs -- Other bugs --Takamoto learned to fly.: (Sender: CrashHungarian98)

2011 06 26: Anniversary bugs -- Curiosities -- (Sender: Rick Smith)

2011 06 22: Anniversary bugs -- Other bugs -- Invisible box: (Sender: Michele), Legend -- Curiosities: The photography, and Question mark, and Football (Sender: Michele) Legend -- Other bugs -- Power (Sender: Michele)

2011 06 17: Anniversary bugs -- Other bugs -- Fight with the bear! and Door with a padlock (Sender: Michele) Legend bugs -- Soaking (Sender: Michele)

2009 11 13: Legend bugs-Other bugs: This happens when you showing in clothes. :D (Sender: H4RR7JH), Underworld bugs (Sender: TI2ophy) and (Sender Roli)

2008 09 29: Legend bugs--2. page: Croft Manor: Lara can lean and stand on ai, The pushable block bug in the Legend, Kazakhstan: So Lara can walk on air, Weird death animation (sender: Matie)

2008 09 28: Anniversary bugs -- Page 1: The block fell on its edge, Block bug. Very easy to carry this bug out. Just pull back the block and go to the right side of it. Now try to grab it. Lara's hands will make a strange animation :), The gorilla is in the floor! And on the water... :O., Lara's legs are stayed in this position after she jumped. The Torso's head - inside.(sender: Matie)

2008 09 27: AOD bugs --Page 2: A little texture bug, Louvre Storm Drains - The new life bar design, Graveyard: Lara went to a looong walk in the graveyard - across the tombs., Rat bug, Serpent Rouge - Lara rolled through the door somehow, (sender: Matie)

2008-03-19: TR Legend Bugs-- Coffee break, The unreachable medipack, Invisible pole, Japanese ghost. Sender: Roli

2008-03-18: TR Legend Bugs--Peru: You can see, the puppet disappeared by the Soul Reaver. It can be possible by the Excalibur too. (Sender: Shallia)

2008-03-17: TR Videos- Tomb Raider videos 2.-Anniversary--A shortcut in "Natla's Mines". Sender: Cyody

2008-03-11: Otherbugs--TR3Gold "Sleeping with the Fishes" - Too long door: (Sender: peterx)

2008-03-09: Curiosities--Tomb Raider 2,3,4 Fly cheat: Sender: Shallia

2008-02-19: Other bugs--Tomb Raider 3 -- The River Ganges, and Nevada Desert: The wavering rocks. So the rocks and platforms in contact with the water sometimes do wave. Sender: peterx

2007-03-08: Corner bugs--Tomb Raider 4-- Citadel Gate bug (Sender: „Ewil“ Horák), TR Legend bugs--Curiosities bugs Legend. (Sender: Krisztina )

2006-11-14: Curiosities-Tomb Raider 3 - Weapon Bug. Sender: Zozo, Curiosities-Tomb Raider 4- Alexandria. Weapon Bug. Sender: Zozo. Crickets&Bugs:-- TRLE -- Lara, the mechanized diver. Sender: Akci

2006-08-24: Other bugs- Tomb Raider 4-Burian Chambers: Now, the desribe of these bugs: First one is in Burian Chambers in the rotating room full of spikes. If you do a curve jump and land IN the spikes, you will avoid death trigger and skip this room entirely ! (Sender: Ales „Ewil“ Horak), Trenches: Second one is in Trenches. It’s possible to jump over the gap with motorcycle, where you normally have to use nitro, without nitro parts. It’s quite hard and I myself have about 5% to do it, but it’s massive shortcut. (Sender: Ales „Ewil“ Horak)

2006-03-28: Tomb Raider Legend bugs--May I introduce Corner bug's little cousin:. (Sender: Goran Agar)

2006-01-27: AOD-AOD 4 Page- Industrial Rooftops-Helicopter-bug. (sender: petya TRC-Forums), AOD-AOD4 Page- "Jump right to The Tomb of Ancients level" (Sender: Guffen TRC-Forums), AOD-AOD4 Page-"Bio Research Facility" (Sender: Shrensh TRC-Forums), Other bugs-TR3- Lud's Gate shortcut (Sender: MMAN TRC-Forums), Other bugs-- TR3-"City" savegame-texture bug (Sender: (Nephili TRC-Forums)

2005-10-23: AOD-"The Bio-Research Facility" -- Invisible door... (Sender: Joseph of TRC-Forums)

2005-09-29: AOD-AOD Page 4-"Sanitarium" -- Bug from Joseph/TRC-Forums) (with Joseph's comments)...

2005-08-24: TR Videos-AOD-Monstrum Crime Scene - Library room (Collision bug.PSX Version.) Discoverer: Gavin J Haywood, Other bugs-TR2 - "Tibetan Foothills" -- Graphical glitch... (Sender: Dr. Uhu).

2005-08-01: TR Videos-TR4 -- Cyody's "TR4-Seth" video..., Other bugs-TR3 - "Crash Site" -- Stucking into the airplane... (Sender: Sch), Other bugs-TR3 - "Jungle" -- Strange gunshots... (Sender: Jani), Other bugs-TR3 - "Nevada Desert" -- Bug-Collection... (Sender: Jani)

2005 05-25: TR Videos: TR3 - 00. "Lara's Home" -- Getting the Quad Bike out! Details: This is an additon for my previous Quad Bike video: I recorded the jumping out of the RaceTrack, and I also included a few run-downs of Winston. Now You can try to jump out by Yourself, and You can indeed run down Winston after he dressed up for the assault course... Good luck! (Sender: SYS), TR3 -- Cyody's TR3-videos... (SYS reports... :P) Cyody presented some new demonstration-videos from TR3 this time...1. "City" Fighting against our very beloved Sophia Leigh. It's very nicely done, and it could be a great help for those who stuck here.... 2. "Lost City Of Tinnos" This video shows the reaching of the Secret what requires that very long and not easy timed run. Check how much time He's still having at the end! This is also one puzzle what caused enough pain in the brain for many players so far, so indeed this short and nice demonstration-video could be very-very handy...(Sender: Cyody)

2005-05-15. Other bugs-TR3 Lud's Gate- The frogman bug. (Sender: Jani), AOD-Neptune's Hall" (Sender:: Dr. Uhu).

2005-04-25: Other bugs-TR3Gold Highland Fling: The unlimited Large MediPack (SaveBug)... (Sender: JasonDavies15), TR Videos: TR6 -- Cyody's TR6-videos, TR3 - 00. "Lara's Home" -- Quad Biking out of the RaceTrack! (Sender: SYS)

2005-02-27: New point in the menu: Texts--"Invisible block behind the door" - ELEN's (TRC-Forum)explanation about this issue..., Other bugs--"Atlantis" -- The "bacon-copy" has been stucked into the column... (Sender: ELEN(TRC-Forum) a.k.a. TRF)

2005-01-18: Other Bugs-TR1 - "St. Francis' Folly" -- Underwater "fence bug" and bug with the water... (Sender: Zebius/TRC-Forum), Other bugs-Tr2-Bartoli's Hideout: Pistol bug (sender Lacek), Corner bugs-TR2-Corner-bug Advanced (sender Lacek), & Corner-bug bug: (sender Lacek), TRAOD - "Von Croy's Apartment" -- Another bug with the Cleaner (AI-bug)... (Sender: SYS), TR Videos-TR4 - 02. "Race For The Iris" -- Finishing the Heretical-Path in less than 01:38:00, twice...(sender SYS)

2004-12-04: Other bugs--TR1 - "Natla's Mines" -- The cruel Cowboy... (Sender: Zebius/TRC-Forum), Other bugs--TR2Gold--The Cold War: Game bugs.(Sender gaabr), AOD The Archeological Dig: Level jump bug. (Sender gaabr), AOD Tomb of Ancients. (Sender: gaabr).

2004-10-28: Other bugs--TR1 - "Atlantis" -- Interesting savegames... Senders: Nicky (TRC-Forum), Neteru (TRC-Forum), Lacek, SYS...

2004-10-12: TR Videos: We have opened a new section about TR-videos, feel free to download any of the useful and interesting videos...(Sender: SYS)

2004-10-10: AOD: The Ghost, and Proto, and Boaz easily. (Sender: SYS). TR6 - The Bio-Research Facility -- Lara The Loon (control-bug)... (Sender: Jani), Other bugs--TR4 - "Inside Menkaure's Pyramid" -- The placid scorpions... (Sender: Misi007)

2004-09-11: Corner bugs-Tomb Raider 4-Citadel Gate-A 'classic' corner bug. (Sender: Nicky, TRC-Forums, Curiosities-TR4 Citadel Gate-The respawning locusts. (Sender: Nicky, TRC-Forums Other bugs-Citadel Gate-Update on the fire-bug. (Sender Nicky, TRC-Forums, Citadel Gate-A crawl corner bug triggers the last cutscene of the level. (The numbers correspond to the numbers of the screenshots). [Sender: Nicky, TRC-Fórums, TRAOD - "The Bio-Research Facility" -- Mag Vega bug... (Sender: ELEN - TRC-Forum), TRAOD - Interesting things- In the table - Picture, Resting - Picture, Targeting, The left is the right!, (Sender: TranSam)

2004-08-01: AOD - "Maximum Containment Area" -- Kurtis and the "Boran-X bug"... (Sender: Nicky, TRC-Forums), TR4-- Citadel Gate-- Fire bug (Sender: Nicky -TRC-Forums), Crickets & Bugs: TR3--program&videocard bug (Sender:Jani), Tr4--This is our very own Lara. And Her legs is out of the wall. :-DD (Sender: Jani), Corner bugs--TR4 Sacred Lake--This a "crawling corner bug" also (first savegame), and it allows us to explore the temple's top. (Sender:Jani), This is a "crawling corner bug". The view is excellent to the beams. (Sender:Jani), Other bugs--TR4--Sacred Lake-The croc just can't shut up. :-)) (Sender:Jani), Other bugs--TR4--The Times--Exchanging "title.tr4" and the "times.tr4" files in "The Times Exclusive" level... (Sender: Jani; Testing, screens and some comments by SYS)

2004-07-04: Crickets & Bugs TR4 Lara like being an engine-driver (Discovered by Jani), Curiosities: TR4 Lost Libary, TR4 Khufu's Queen Piramids, Temple of Horus (Discovered by Jani), AOD: Aquatic Research Area: Oldalazás egy láthatatlan platformon át (felfedező ELEN TRC Fórums.) AOD Galleries Under Siege-- New variant for Lacek's "pistol bug" (discovered by SYS), "The Strahov Fortress" -- Animal "fence bug"...(discovered by SYS), AOD: Boxing live on the programme of AOD, The Cleaner-bug, That happens if Kurtis loses his head in the heat of the fight..., AOD ingame screensaver, Proto, the pet..., Kurtis, who's as fast as the Proto, Lara in the wall, Lara Stone, Some final words about the Pistol-bug, Targetting without enemy, Lara and Kurtis are faster on stairs, than anyone else..., Inside Boaz. (discovered by Lacek)

2004-06-26: AOD Shimming across an invisible platform Aquatic Research Area (Discovered by Elen Profile )

2004.06.24: AOD--How to skip Industrial Roof Tops, walk in the whole apartment of Carvier, and defeat the gendarmes in one step...(Discovered by Lacek)

2004.06.20: Visiting the helicopter on "Trenches" in TR4... (Discovered by Jani, savegames work with the unpatched version.) AOD--Industrial Roof Tops Series This is a place, where you normally can't get to. (Discovered by Lacek) Lara from inside: I made a savegame (1.traodsg; lara_inside.jpg) at the end of Parisian Back Streets, and when I loaded it again, I found this. Just begin to climb up... (Discovered by Lacek) Serpent Rouge: 1. Cadaveric rigidness, 2. Enemy on the railing, 3. Painful falling, 4. Levitacio. (Discovered by Lacek) Pistolbug. (Discovered by Lacek) St. Aicard's Graveyard Series (Discovered by Lacek)

2004.05.01: Corner bugs--Tomb Raider 4--Temple of Karnak. Visiting the palms at the beginning (Discovered by Jani), Curiosities--Tomb Raider 4--Valley of Kings: Bug with the car (Discovered by Jani), Curiosities--Tomb Raider 4-Short trip in TR4's Valley Of The Kings. (Discovered by Jani)

2004-04-17: Curiosities: TR3 - "Thames Wharf" -- Visiting the area with the bell (Discovered by ELEN from www.tombraiderforums.com)

2004.03.14: Crickets&bugs--AOD: Thx Kaktusz, & Lacek, Other bugs--Tomb Raider 3 Gold--Willard' Lair: (Thx ProtUS )

2004.02.26: AOD--Aquatic Research Center: By Simulation (Profile) http://www.tombraiderforums.com Thx Simulation.

2004-02-14: Corner bugs--Tomb Raider 4--The Great Hypostyle Hall, és Temple of Karnak. (thx Petunia.) Cricket & Bugs--Tomb Raider 2. A tűzről pattant Larának a vulkán sem árt. (thx ProtUS) Haláli képek (thx TranSam) "Tomb Of Ancients", 2nd visit -- Special 'AquaLara' or rather 'DryLara': trigger bug with the 'flipmap trigger'... Discovered by: Ironman (PS2) vs. SYS (PC). AOD--Ray Wilkinson's edited savegames... (Ray Wilkinson - www.tombraiderforums.com, Profile: http://www.tombraiderforums.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_profile;u=00007415), Other bugs--Tomb Raider 2--Offshore Rig (thx Jani) On the Deck (thx Strong) Fence bugok--Tomb Raider 2 Offshore Rig, (thx Strong) Curiosities--Tomb Raider 2 A Barkhang kolostor (The Convent of Barkhang) Textura bugs. (thx Strong)

2003-12-24: Others bugs--Tomb Raider 2 Gold--Nightmare In Vegas--A T-Rex, & bugs. (thx Jani) Tomb Raider 3--Coastal Village-- Getting into the ground (Special "block bug")... (Discovered by Rommie Thx) TR4 - "The Mastabas" -- The "Puppy goes to heaven" bug (Special "block bug" with enemies)... (Discovered by ELEN Thx) TR5 - "Streets Of Rome" -- Larson-glitch (trigger bug)... (Discovered by TR-Player Thx) AOD--"The Strahov Fortress" -- The headless enemy..., "Maximum Containment Area" -- The placid Proto-Nephilim..., "Aquatic Research Area" -- A "VíziLara" az AOD-ben is jelen van! :) (thx SYS) Corner Bugs--Tr2Gold--Kingdom. (thx Strong),Others bugs--Tr2--Offshore Rig--Lara holds the burnt flare (thx Strong), The Great Wall --Glitches with the spiders... (thx Jani), Tr2 Gold Kingdom: Floating corpse (thx Strong), Tr3--Bug with the weapons (thx Dr.Uhu&SYS)

2003-11-16: Crickets & Bugs-Tomb Raider 2 Gold-Medi-overdose (thx Jani) An interesting bug from Leroy Perkins' level: Aboard the Neptun. (thx Akcy)

2003-09-28: Csorba Dániel, Jani and Csege sent some interesting pictures for the AOD-site. And Corner bugs - Tomb Raider2 Floating Islands (thx Petúnia). Other bugs - Tomb Raider 2 Gold: the floating dogs (thx Jani).

2003-09-10: You can get your hands on the conventional double pistols and ammo in the AOD ... how come? Check it out on the AOD page. :-)

2003-08-27: AOD debugging final.

2003-08-24: AOD New bugs (thx Csege&TranSam)

2003-08-21: Curiosities--TR4 -- "Coastal Ruins" - The 'unreachable' sea-bay...(thx Tr-Player), AOD new levels.

2003-08-20: Other bugs--Tomb Raider 5--Old Mill. (thx TR-Player from www.tombraiderforums.com.

2003-08-16: New point in the menu: AOD, Lots of you sent bugs, mainly incorrect textures from games.(Thx Hamster, Dr Tr, sas, & Donlaca) I have started debugging also and will introduce new interesting premises. Old gen episodes went thru updating too:Other bugs - TR 1 - Natla's mines, TR 1 Gold - Temple of the cat, TR 5 - Gallows Tree (thx to Vikti), TrGB3 (Thy to SYS), update in 'what really BUGs :)' (thx to Jani, SYS, Vízöntőlány).

2003-05-25: Other bugs--Tomb Raider 5--Old Mill, (thx Vikti), Other bugs-Tomb Raider 1- Obelisk Of Khamoon & Sanctuary of the Scion, & Natla's Mines. (thx Petunia &SYS)

2003-05-10. Curiosities--Tomb Raider 3--Comic from TR3 (thx Jani) Tomb Raider GB III. - The Prophecy (thx Jani) Corner bugs--Tomb Raider 3- Lara home. (thx Jani) Fence bugs--TR1 - Some new "fence bugs" from "The Cistern" and from "Tomb Of Tihocan" (thx SYS) Other bugs--Tomb Raider 1 Obelisk Of Khamoon- 'trigger bug (thx Jani), Tomb Of Tihocan- 'savebug (thx SYS) Corner bugs--Tomb Raider 4--Angkor Wat. (thx Kacsa&SYS) Crickets & Bugs--Trle

2003-04-08: Crickets&Bugs. (thx Jani)

2003-03-05. Tomb Raider 3 Gold- "It's A Madhouse!" - Savebug with the "Aviary Key"...(thx SYS)

2003-02-08: Corner bugs--Tomb Raider 3 Gold--Highland Fling: After the dog statue, which comes to life, Lara can do a "crawling corner bug", for avoid a bunch of "unpleasant memories". No crow, no rolling stone, and no sergeant. ( Thx Jani)

2003-01-25: New menu: Crickets&Bugs, Corner bugs--Tr3Gold Highland Fling (thx Jani), Other bugs--Tr3 Madubu Gorge )thx Jani)

2002-12-28: Curiosities: Tomb Raider 3 -- "Jungle" - (thx Jani&SYS)

2002-11-20: Curiosities: Tomb Raider 3 -- "Jungle" - The fastest way to complete the level! (Discovered by Jani)

2002-11-12: TR1Gold -- Return To Egypt - 'trigger bug'...(SYS)

2002-11-10: Other bugs--TR3 -- "Temple Ruins" - The impenetrable doors ("savebug" & "door bug")...(SYS), Corner bugs--TR2 -- "The Great Wall" - Some "ceiling-stuck corner bug"... (Jani)

2002-11-10: Other bugs--TR3Gold -- "Shakespeare Cliff" - The Quad Bike stucks into the wall...(SYS)

2002-11-06: Other bugs--TR1 -- "Tomb Of Qualopec" - Savebug with the Scion...,"St. Francis' Folly" -- The infamous "block bug"...,TR2Gold -- "Nightmare In Vegas" - The newly closed doors...,TR3 -- "Coastal Village" - The disappearing killed cannibal...,TR3 -- "Antarctica" & "RX-Tech Mines" - Surviving in the icy water (savebug), TR4 -- "Desert Railroad" - This is a "corner" or "fence" or "block" bug...or what?! (Patch is needed!), TR5 -- "Red Alert!" - The gas-chambers (savebug), "Red Alert!" - Sniper-cheat..., Fence bugs: TR3Gold - "It's A Madhouse!" - "fence bug"..., Curiositys: TR3Gold -- "Highland Fling" - Journey to the helicopter and to the bridge, but regularly (without any bug)...,"It's A Madhouse!" - Trick the currents!, TR4 -- "City Of The Dead" - Exploring the 2nd Secret without using the Nitrous Oxide Cannister... (Patch is needed!), "The Sphinx Complex" - Exploring the Sphinx's left side and Her back... (Patch is needed!), "The Great Piramyd" - Journey into the desert... (Patch is needed!), Khufu's Queens Pyramids - Another nice journey... (Patch is needed!), Corner bugs: TR4Times - Several "corner bugs"... :), TRGBC1 -- "Volcanic Temple C" - A "slope bug" with the ladder... (SYS)

2002-09-27: Other Bugs-Tomb Raider 2--The Tibetian Foothills (thx Kőarcú), Curiosities--Tomb Raider 3--Ganges 2. és 3. (thx Akci), Other bugs--Tomb Raider 3 Gold--Highland Fling&Sleeping With The Fishes (thx SYS) Curiosities---Tomb Raider 3 Gold--Highland Fling 1-2 (thx SYS & Akci), Other bugs--Tomb Raider 1--Atlantis ( Thx Clau), Curiosities--Tomb Raider 1 City of Vilcabamba ( thx Chopper), Fence bugs--Tomb Raider 3--High Security Compound (thx Hamster) Curiosities--Tomb Raider 1 Gold--Return to Egypt ( Thx Clau)

2002-07-13: Other bugs-Tomb Raider 4-Cleopatra's Palaces. (thx SYS)

2002-07-08: Other bugs-Tomb Raider 1 Palace Midas, and Tomb Raider 4 Race for the Iris. (thx Kothencz Ádám -Kőarcú)

2002-06-24: Other bugs-Tomb Raider 3 Gold--Reunion. (thx Akci)

2002-06-23: Tomb Raider 3 Gold: It'sMadhouse. Egyébbugok: Tomb Raider 3Gold: A gyilkos ajtó, és a Vizi Lara. (thx Jani)

2002-06-21: Other bugs-Tomb Raider4 Desert Railroad. (thx SYS)

2002-05-20: Other bugs:The Times Exclusive -- Five(!) irregular bugs! (thx SYS)

2002-05-19: Tomb Raider 2: Venice.

2002-05-13: Other bugs:Tomb Raider 3 Lara House. (thx TranSam)

2002-05-12: Tomb Raider 3 All Hallows, Tomb Raider 3Gold Highland Fling(thx Jani) Other bugs: Tomb Raider 3 Lost City of Tinnos. All Hallows (thx Jani) Other bugs:Tomb Raider 3 Gold Nessie (thx Jani), free delphin SWTF level (thx SYS)

2002-05-01: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 3 Crash Site (thx Mpaul)

2002-04-22: Other bugs:Tomb Raider 4, Desert Railroad. (thx totyo)

2002-04-21: TRGBC1 - Royal Tombs A -- New "enemy bug"... (Discovered by Jani)

2002-04-05: TRGBC Temple A - The "slope bug" with a new variant... (Discovered by Jani)

2002-04-02 Other bugs-Tomb Raider 3-Lost City of Tinnos (save editor, thx Jani)

2002-03-25: Other bugs-TombRaider 3 -The Ganges River (thx Akci)

2002-03-24: Other bugs:Tomb Raider 3:Aldwych (thx SYS) Fence bugs Tomb Raider 1 Gold: Return to Egypt (thx Szörpi)

2002-03-19: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 3-MadubuGeorge, és Thames Wharf, Fence bugs-Thames Wharf (Thx SYS)

2002-03-15: Fence bugok:Tomb Raider 5 Trajan's Markets (thx Korpi) Egyébbugok Tomb Raider 4 Desert Railroad (thx Strong)

2002-02-24: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 1Gold: The Hive (thx Jani)

2002-02-21: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 1Gold The Hive,(thx TranSam) and Tomb Raider 4 Temple of Karnak (thx Kacsa)

2002-02-13: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 4: Race for the Iris, and Alexandria. (thx Korpi)

2002-02-11: Fence bugok, Tomb Raider 1 Natla Mines. (thx Clau) Tomb Raider 1 Gold Return to Egypt(thx Jani)

2002-02-03: Fence bugs: Tomb Raider 2 Temple of Xian: With the "fence bug", you can have a look into the lines of the mystic "clay-army" in the temple of Xian... (thx SYS)

2002-01-27: A new corner bug from the TR1 Temple of the Cat level. (Thx Jani)

2002-01-20An interesting save in the Other Bugs section: TR1 Atlantis (Thx TranSam) TR3 Madubu Gorge: Made with the level editor but we can go to the other side of the level. (Thx Jani)

TR3 The River Ganges: We can look around on the top of the rocks. (Thx Jani)

2002-01-19An interesting save from the TR2 Wreck of the Maria Doria level in the Other Bugs section.

2002-01-15An interesting bug from the TR1 The Great Pyramid level in the Other Bugs section. (Thx Jani)

2001-12-30: An interesting fence bug from the TR5 Old Mill level that you can use to skip the second part of the level. (Thx Clau)

2001-12-16: Other Bugs ? TR3 Lud's Gate and Thimes Warf (Thx Korpi) Other Bugs ? TR5 The Base (Thx VonCroy), TR3 RX-Tech Mines (Thx Jani)

2001-11-25: TRGBC (thx Sys) Tomb3: The City, Antarctica, Other bugs: Tomb Raider3:Aldwich, Tomb Raider2 TheDragon's Lair: (thx Jani)

2001-11-10: TRGBC (thx Sys), Tomb Raider 1Gold (thx Sys), Tomb Raider3: CrashSite, and London (thx Jani). And a very cool screensaver: Download

2001-10-22: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 3: Crash Site: Defeating the T-Rex and water-dinos, Tomb Raider 5: Red Alert Closed elevator door. ( thx Hamster) Tomb Raider 3 A new corner bug in the Crash Site level. (thx Jani)

2001-10-19: Mp3 from Sys.LEVIATHANThe New Generation.zip

2001-10-19: Tomb Raider 3 Gold: Lara' house: Does Lara has a magic carpet? ( Thx TranSam )

2001-10-17: Tomb Raider 3 Aldwich, and some fence bugs in this level. ( Thx Jani)

2001-10-16: Another bugs: Tomb Raider 2: TempleOfXian: Jumping over the dragon on the way back is so much easier. ( Thx Sys )

2001-10-16: Fence bugs: Tomb Raider 2: The Wreck of Maria Doria: You can save time with this fence bug. ( Thx Clau )

2001-10-15: A Tomb Raider 1Gold Atlantean Stronghold ( Thx Moomba) and with other bugs and applying general rules depending Phil Campbell sensational sense of humour. (Thx Sys)

2001-10-14: How can we make burning trousers from a simple torch in the Tomb Raider 4 Catacombs level. (thx Moomba) Look at the "Other bugs" page.

2001-10-11: A really extraordinary bug: you can increase the number of secrets in the Tomb Raider 4 at the end of Desert Railroad level. Check this out at the other bugs. (thx Moomba)

2001-10-11:Tomb Raider 3: A new corner bog from the prison level, and a few exciting things from the Jungle level at the other bugs. ( Thx Jani )

2001-10-10: Here we go again: new bugs at the TRGBC page. (Thx Sys)

2001-10-06:TRGBC1 - "Caverns B" - Lots of bugs! ( Thx Sys)

2001-10-01: A hungarian IRC client based on Tomb Raider uploaded. Deap_IrC.zip

2001-09-27: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 3 High Security, andTomb Raider 3:corner bug from the jailhouse level too. (Thx Jani)

2001-09-27: TRGBC1 - New bugs! Sys found new exciting bugs. TRGBC almost defeats the original TR series...!

2001-09-24: Sys upgraded the TRGBC page.

2001-09-19: Tomb Raider 3 Nevada (Thx Jani)

2001-09-18: TRGBC: New slope bugs(ThxSys)

2001-09-16: Tomb Raider 3 The River Ganges, Nevada (Thx Jani)

2001-09-16: Pete sent two strange savegames from the Tomb Raider 5 Red Alert level. (Other bugs)

Jani sent a corner bug from the Tomb Raider 3 - The River Ganges. With this bug, you can reach the secret without jumping.

2001-09-12: Tomb Raider 1: Palace Midas: We got screenshots, thanks to Sys.

Other bugs: Tomb Raider 1 Colosseum: You can skip the arena with this bug. ( Thx VonCroy)

2001-09-11: Download the Tomb Raider Game Boy Color HTS version from here (Thx Credo)

2001-09-10: Other bugs: The scuba man goes crazy (thx Strong)

2001-09-09: New page! Sys started the Tomb Raider Game Boy Color page.

2001-09-06 New corner bugs from the Jungle level. You can check them out at the other bugs page and the Tomb 3 page..

2001-08-25: Tomb Raider 1 Voodoo patch, Tomb Raider 1Gold, 3DFX patch, and ATI patch.

2001-07-23: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 3: Madubu George. You can reach the rocks with the kayak. You may skip most of the levels... but you can't finish without the kayak. (Thx Sys)

2001-07-06: Tomb Raider 3: Meteorit Cavern. No chopper's around when we conclude the game, still: Lara uses it to escape at the end. (thx Jani)

2001-07-02: These savegames made by the save editor. Use with the Tomb Raider 3. Interesting.

2001-07-01: It's payday folks: as you requested, you can download the savegame from Area51 and the landscape behind the fence. Click here

2001-06-28: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 2: Ice Palace (thx Waterhorse)

2001-06-27: Other bugs: Tomb Raider 2: Floating Islands (thx Waterhorse)

2001-06-26: Tomb raider 5: Streets of Rome, Tomb Raider 3: Thimes Warf, (thx Jani) and a special rarity from Tomb Raider 4: City of the Dead: You can finish the level in a few minutes without having to to upgrade your bike.

2001-06-23: Tomb Raider 3: Temple Ruins, andTomb Raider 5: Streets of Roma crouching corner bugs. (thx Jani)

2001-06-17: Another version similar to the one at the bottom. (Thx Sys)

2001-06-12: Feel like finishing Tomb Raider 3 - Jungle level with a distance of 400 meters travelled and within a few minutes with a crouching corner bug? Check this out on the Tomb 3 page.

2001-06-04: Interesting AVI for collectors. (Although Xmas is over) Download 3,3Mb (Thx Seweryn)

2001-05-22: Lara-Cursors. Way to apply: Start menu -Settings-Control panel-Mouse-Cursors-Browse. You can restore the original settings with the "restore default" button.

2001-05-19: I made three Lara Croft cursors. you can download here and others from here,

and cursors from the motion picture here and here, and here and here


 E-mail: OBig 

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